Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gorillaz new video "On Melancholy Hill"

The Gorillaz's next video from their album "Plastic Beach" came out for the song "On Melancholy Hill." It's weird, but super-cool. Embedding was disabled so check it out here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

obama ass-kicking autotune remix

This is awesome! Remember the Matt Lauer Obama interview from earlier this week? Well it's time for the Obama "ass-kicking" autotune remix!

Original interview:

...Matt Lauer can suck it!

Kicking the, kicking the, kicking the ball! We are Scientists attempt for England's World Cup anthem

The band We are Scientists have decided to write an anthem for England's world cup national team. Read their tips on how to create one here.

"The football anthem occupies a genre all of its own. It must delicately balance patriotic spirit, jovial sportsmanship and a lack of delicacy. Artists including New Order, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin and the Beatles have entered the maze and found their way out the other side. Others – such as Madonna, U2 and the Beatles – have notoriously crashed on the rocks, ending promising careers and spending decades wandering along pop music's abandoned outer banks. The latest big success story is, of course, us. Here's how we did it." (Continued)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jukebox Collective

Sit down Animal Collective, you and your ostentatious indie asshole's time for Jukebox Collective. This is a band I discovered through a French Axe ad surprisingly. This English group is another band that fuses together indie rock with great synth. If you like LCD Soundsystem and/or the Rapture, you're sure to like Jukebox Collective.

Here is their mathematical equation that is the Jukebox Collective:
K + G = KG
KG + (dr x M) = D
D + KG + J + N = Jukebox Collective”

“Kev (K) and Greg (G) knocked out some demos (D) in Gregs bedroom in 2008. Informal drinks (dr) and music making (M) evenings at most."

Their second single "Icon Parade" drops be on the lookout for an EP and full album!

"Icon Parade"

"Lost and Found"

Rise Up Axe commercial ft. "Icon Parade":