Friday, December 9, 2011

"The Amazing Spider-Man" Poster

New movie poster for the upcoming Spider-Man film just debuted. Can't wait!


I recently started watching IFC's "Portlandia" featuring Fred Armisen of SNL fame. It's surprisingly hilarious! It's a show that parody's hipsters. The first season just came out on bluray/dvd. It's only six eps, so give it a shot!

"Dream of the 90's"

"Technology Loop"

Asshole biker:

Live-action Voltron Short

Brush with Death

Very cool video about a graffiti artist who fights his paintings:

Bluntcards: A website for assholes

This is an offensive but hilarious website. It's straight up a website for assholes. Check it out here.

Pogo - "Kadinchey"

This is Pogo's newest track. This is his Kickstarter project where he made a remix of Tibet. So good! I can't wait to get my shirt and my Flashdrive for donating!

So Cold in the D

Hilariously bad rap music!?

Miike Snow - "Devil's Work"

I've recently gotten into Miike Snow. This is his newest single:

Devil's Work by miikesnow

A Krampus Carol by Anthony Bourdain

Kids better be good.

I'm Back

Hey guys,

Sorry it's been over a month since I've last posted. Been busy with work and catching up from the holidays. I've been playing around with Twitter a lot also. I've learned some new things. Well, I'm going to play catchup here and post a bunch of videos and music and such. Enjoy!