Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imagination. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Down the rabbit hole

The imagination is a wonderful thing, and one of my favorite movies/books/stories of all time is a prime example of this. Alice in Wonderland is a work that has inspired and entertained me as a child. It's so magical and fun, sometimes creepy and awkward, but, anything can happen. Here is a remix I found recently that uses mostly sounds from the Disney movie.

More can be located here, and downloaded for free. I love all versions of it. From the classic Disney cartoon, to the one with the girl from "Carina, Carina," to the tv show "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.' Yeah, you remember that one, with hip-hop dancin Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. So find your rabbit hole and explore your imagination.