Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's elementary school picture day, that means it's time for LASER PORTRAITS!!!

You forgot it was picture day? You mean your not dressed up for it? Well, it's ok, because neither did 90% of the other kids. Today, it's time to pay tribute to the best thing to come out of grade school.That's right, the laser portrait. You know what I'm talking about. Picture day, when you walk in with whatever your mom put you in (if you remembered it was the day), your done up nineties hair (mine was the classic chilibowl, complete with big dorky glasses), all propped up infront of, a lazer backdrop. Oh how I miss the 90's. The website brings back the hilarity that was elementary school picture days.

Holy crap it's Jason Mraz!:

And the Chicago Bulls windbreaker? Classic.:

Yes, the ladder is the ultimate prop. It makes so much sense.:

We all went to school with this guy.:

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