As per my last post, I've told you I watched the Polaris Prize Music Awards. I discovered a lot of great new music I want to share with you all. It was a great show, with ten of Canada's best albums of the year being represented by each respective band playing a set. The way it works is there was a "long list" consisting of 40 albums, then that was condensed to the "short list" of 10. The artists featured on this elite list were the Broken Social Scene, Karkwa, Radio Radio, Dan Mangan, Shad, The Sadies, The Besnard Lakes, Caribou, Owen Pallett and Tegan and Sara. Karkwa won the Polaris Prize. You can watch the rerun online this Saturday or download it as a podcast today. Here are a few of my new faves:
"Texaco Bitches" - Broken Social Scene:
"Sold" - Dan Mangan (They've got a Mumford and Son's feel):
"Echapper au Sort" - Karkwa (French MuteMath maybe?):
"Forme Elliptique" - Radio Radio (French/English/Gypsy rap? yes please!):
Then ofcourse Owen Pallett..."Lewis Takes Off His Shirt":
And who should have won, Tegan and Sara..."The Ocean" (clip from the show, beautiful!):
Hello, welcome to Safety Scissors Suck. This is my blog about random stuff. Whether it be funny Youtube videos, awesome new music, thoughts on life, or art and design. Who knows what the day will bring, but I'm sure regardless you will enjoy yourself.
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